Lura Svestka
Vice President
Lura Svestka is Vice President of JT&A, responsible for its ongoing and daily operation.
Her impeccable attention to detail and design has contributed significantly to JT&A’s reputation for quality products and services and to the successful management of the assembly and fulfillment of EnviroScape® products.
Ms. Svestka is responsible for website design and management for all JT&A websites. She produces all materials for EnviroScape® and JT&A events, processes all EnviroScape® orders, working closely with our fulfillment center. In addition, Ms. Svestka oversees the day to day operations of JT&A including accounting and personnel.
Since joining JT&A in 1985, Ms. Svestka has been directly involved in all aspects of the business. She supervises the production work flow through editors, proofers and artists, graphic design and printers and direct mail houses. Ms. Svestka has also provided graphic design for many JT&A materials such as proceedings, manuals, books, newsletters, journals, magazines, brochures and other outreach materials.
Prior to joining JT&A, Ms. Svestka assisted with preparing and handling President Reagan’s briefings, including graphic arts and editorial responsibilities. She worked in all aspects of public information, responding to most of the public phone calls to The White House as well as general correspondence.
Earlier in her career, Lura served as assistant to the director of government relations for Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc., a prestigious trade association of the leading manufacturers of food and non-food products sold in grocery stores. She was responsible for arranging and executing a monthly Public Policy meeting, featuring a Congressman as guest speaker, and prepared booklets and materials on legislative issues, handled mass mailings and made travel arrangements.
Lura created and operated a wholesale bakery averaging 2,000 items daily that were sold through a vending operation in downtown Washington. She successfully sold the business after just a few years.